Article about Ventureforth
Written by Si Luo
Do you ever feel that burning desire to start an enterprise of your own, be it a billion dollar private business or a non-profit organization of paramount social importance? How many times have you let that burning sensation and pumped-up ambition lay wasted in the back of your mind because you simply don’t know where to start? Rest assured, you are definitely not alone on this campus. And help is much closer than you think. A student founded organization called Ventureforth seeks to provide guidance to all daring entrepreneurial spirits on campus.
Five years ago, a small group of maverick undergraduates envisioned a new frontier for UCSD—a business oriented community that fosters growth in entrepreneurism. And five years later, their vision turned into an enduring legacy and a smashing success in reality—a student organization now known as VentureForth.
The founders of the organization set out to carve a brand new niche in UCSD. “We felt that there was a growing need for a business community in UCSD.” first-year president Jeffery Chao says, “despite the fact that UCSD is a predominantly research oriented institution.”
In the past few years, dozens of new technology companies are founded in San Diego as a direct result of the scientific discoveries happening within UCSD research faculties. Many of which are founded by graduate students and fellow professors. And many more are expected to come. However, the majority of graduate and undergraduate students alike are often dumbfounded when it comes to how to turn a vision into a thriving reality. To remedy this situation, VentureForth had held various workshops and boot camps on how to start a business, covering topics from business plan writing to initial investment acquisition process. Ventureforth also works closely with the Von Leibig Center for Entrepreneurism and Technology Advancement, Rady School of Management and UCSD Enterprise Network to establish the necessary connections among students, faculties, and the business community, in order to provide an abundance of resources for future entrepreneurial leaders.
“VentureForth is the premiere UCSD business student organization that strives to create a community developing entrepreneurial leaders, in order to be a catalyst for achieving great things.” said the VentureForth president Lisa-Anne Chung.
The enduring success of the Annual Entrepreneurial Conference, which is held in November, and Biotech Conference, held in May, is a convincing testament of that mission. The E-conference usually features an amazing cast of panelists who are leaders coming from diverse fields, anywhere from technology to media, talking about their unique experiences in being an entrepreneur in their respective fields. And the Biotech conference features a small legion of CEOs from major biotechnology companies to discuss trends and opportunities in biotechnology. Each of these conferences accommodates an audience of over two hundred people, students and industry professionals alike. They provide excellent opportunities for students to network with industry professionals and successful leaders.
Students’ feedbacks to the events are positive, some are downright enthusiastic. “The E-Conference has really opened my eyes to the world of business. It gave me such an inspiring new mentality that I’ve never imagined having!” says Peng Cheng Zhang, a third year bioengineering student.
When asked on what advice he has for aspiring student entrepreneurs, Jeffery Chao, the founder of the club says, “I think everyone should use their student card to the max. Grab hold of the opportunities given by a university filled with wonderful people. Be bold and go out there to meet the successful people in your field of interest, you’ll reach your dream in no time.”
In the future, VentureForth hopes to continue its excellent traditions and further cultivates growth of entrepreneurism on campus. VentureForth also welcome like-minded students who are able to provide innovative and promising ideas to contribute. At last, like Shayan Alam, co-founder of VentureForth and now CEO and founder of a multi-million dollar defense company, says “VentureForth is about business in practice, not business in theory.”
Do you ever feel that burning desire to start an enterprise of your own, be it a billion dollar private business or a non-profit organization of paramount social importance? How many times have you let that burning sensation and pumped-up ambition lay wasted in the back of your mind because you simply don’t know where to start? Rest assured, you are definitely not alone on this campus. And help is much closer than you think. A student founded organization called Ventureforth seeks to provide guidance to all daring entrepreneurial spirits on campus.
Five years ago, a small group of maverick undergraduates envisioned a new frontier for UCSD—a business oriented community that fosters growth in entrepreneurism. And five years later, their vision turned into an enduring legacy and a smashing success in reality—a student organization now known as VentureForth.
The founders of the organization set out to carve a brand new niche in UCSD. “We felt that there was a growing need for a business community in UCSD.” first-year president Jeffery Chao says, “despite the fact that UCSD is a predominantly research oriented institution.”
In the past few years, dozens of new technology companies are founded in San Diego as a direct result of the scientific discoveries happening within UCSD research faculties. Many of which are founded by graduate students and fellow professors. And many more are expected to come. However, the majority of graduate and undergraduate students alike are often dumbfounded when it comes to how to turn a vision into a thriving reality. To remedy this situation, VentureForth had held various workshops and boot camps on how to start a business, covering topics from business plan writing to initial investment acquisition process. Ventureforth also works closely with the Von Leibig Center for Entrepreneurism and Technology Advancement, Rady School of Management and UCSD Enterprise Network to establish the necessary connections among students, faculties, and the business community, in order to provide an abundance of resources for future entrepreneurial leaders.
“VentureForth is the premiere UCSD business student organization that strives to create a community developing entrepreneurial leaders, in order to be a catalyst for achieving great things.” said the VentureForth president Lisa-Anne Chung.
The enduring success of the Annual Entrepreneurial Conference, which is held in November, and Biotech Conference, held in May, is a convincing testament of that mission. The E-conference usually features an amazing cast of panelists who are leaders coming from diverse fields, anywhere from technology to media, talking about their unique experiences in being an entrepreneur in their respective fields. And the Biotech conference features a small legion of CEOs from major biotechnology companies to discuss trends and opportunities in biotechnology. Each of these conferences accommodates an audience of over two hundred people, students and industry professionals alike. They provide excellent opportunities for students to network with industry professionals and successful leaders.
Students’ feedbacks to the events are positive, some are downright enthusiastic. “The E-Conference has really opened my eyes to the world of business. It gave me such an inspiring new mentality that I’ve never imagined having!” says Peng Cheng Zhang, a third year bioengineering student.
When asked on what advice he has for aspiring student entrepreneurs, Jeffery Chao, the founder of the club says, “I think everyone should use their student card to the max. Grab hold of the opportunities given by a university filled with wonderful people. Be bold and go out there to meet the successful people in your field of interest, you’ll reach your dream in no time.”
In the future, VentureForth hopes to continue its excellent traditions and further cultivates growth of entrepreneurism on campus. VentureForth also welcome like-minded students who are able to provide innovative and promising ideas to contribute. At last, like Shayan Alam, co-founder of VentureForth and now CEO and founder of a multi-million dollar defense company, says “VentureForth is about business in practice, not business in theory.”
Every big dream has to start up being small, and it's your job of making it big. I remember the first time I borrowed money. I wanted to start a small business so I acquired a payday loan. Utah has a lot of these lending firms that can give you cash advances, payday loans, and all of those other loans. Anyway, there. So I started my business. It started out as just a neighborhood thing. Now I sell stuff in the nearby towns, too.
Unknown, at 7:00 PM, January 13, 2011
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